
İLKYAR FOUNDATİON (www.ilkyar.org.tr)
I worked with İlkyar in 16 Anatolian cities as a volunteer responsible from children’s literature activities.
Even though I can not participate in each school trip, I will continue supporting İlkyar as long as I live. They put their whole heart in promoting reading and they love children and children’s  books.

During the school year 2005-2006 ,I worked with the children of Küçükyalı Orphanage. The children read picture books.
They participated in creative drama activities.They wrote letters and poems. Sometimes they read a story and painted their favorite part from the story.They visited a bookstore and choose a book to read.They visited the İstanbul Book Fair. All became literature lovers at their own pace. This was one of the most meaningful yet demanding  times of my life.